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Sunday, April 10, 2016

#1 of Kim's Top 5 Healthy Day Tips

Tip #1: Stretching before you get out of bed. These are very simple...you may even be doing them without realizing it.

* An easy one is while lying on your back, you raise your arms above your head and feel the s-t-r-e-t-c-h all the way down and through your toes. Don't force yourself to stretch. It's supposed to "feel good," not hurt.

* You can also pull your knees to your chest. Use your hands (or a towel or a yoga strap) under your knees to assist you. Don't be surprised if you pass gas, it's completely normal! This low back stretch in yoga helps to "clear the pipes," so to speak, and get your digestive tract ready for the day.

* Now put your feet down on the mattress, knees bent. Carefully move your knees to your left while twisting your upper torso to the right. Hold for a few moments, breathe and reverse. You can use your arms to help you. You might remember this "twist" from high school phy. ed. classes. Once done, sit up and swing your legs over the side of the bed.

* Sitting up, you can do a few shoulder, wrist and ankle circles. Slowly turn your head from side-to-side, then down.

* Stand, and do one more stretch with your arms over your head.

Your body is awake. You are ready to start your day.

Did you like this health tip? Find more on my Pinterest page: www.pinterest.com/ssbodywork.

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