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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

5 Conditions that are relieved by Massage Therapy

While many consider massage therapy to be a luxury or simply for relaxation purposes, you might be surprised to know that massage has many more benefits beyond that. Massage therapy has been shown to improve a wide variety of medical conditions, and here’s 5 that you may be surprised by.

#1: Digestive Disorders

Most clients don’t think to tell their massage therapist about digestive problems, but you may very well want to at your next session. First, many digestive issues are related to stress. When we experience stress, whether minor or severe, our body goes into what is often referred to as the “fight or flight” response. This is the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system that gets us ready to handle whatever threat we face. Generally speaking, the sympathetic nervous system redirects resources away from body functions that aren’t of the utmost importance – digestion being one of them. If we’re confronted by an angry bear, whether that be an actual bear or a beast of a boss at work, our body needs every bit of energy and focus on our muscles, eyesight, hearing, heart rate, etc. We have to be ready for a battle, right? And digestion gets shut down because it’s not vital in that circumstance. So if you’re regularly experiencing stress, your digestion is constantly taking a hit.

Regular massage therapy sessions can calm that sympathetic nervous system, and stimulate the opposing force, the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls our “rest and digest” response. That’s actually what it’s often referred to as, because our body is no longer stressed and can now rest and digestion can pick back up. When we calm the nervous system and the entire body, we get a more efficient function of the digestive tract.

Along with a general massage, therapists are trained to perform massage of the abdomen, specifically along the path of the colon. This is meant to “wake up” the colon and get things moving as they should. Massage to this area promotes peristalsis, the squeezing action of the colon that moves things along.

So next time your tummy is filling a little sluggish, don’t hesitate to bring it up at your massage appointment. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about and we can help!

#2: Insomnia

Whether it’s just every once in a while or a chronic problem, many people suffer from insomnia, or the inability to sleep. It’s a frustrating condition and can affect every other part of your life, from mood to productivity and even your relationships. Many people turn to over-the-counter or prescription medications to fall asleep, but those can often have some pretty rough side effects and may leave you feeling groggy the next morning.

For some, insomnia is just part of how their brain is wired and for others it’s related to stress or pain. But no matter the cause, massage has been shown again and again to improve sleep; both the act of going to sleep as well as the quality of sleep. That “rest and digest” portion of the nervous system needs to be regularly stimulated in order for your body to shut down the way it’s intended so you can get a good night’s sleep. And the pain relief that can come from an experienced massage therapist is unlike any other and will only improve your sleep more.

So, if you’re finding that you’re struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep, try adding regular massage sessions into your routine and you’ll only reap the benefits.

#3: TMJ Disorder

If your jaw clicks, pops, locks, or hurts, you might have Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder. For many, the cause can be related to clenching or grinding your teeth, even if you’re not aware you do it. But did you know that you don’t just have to live with it? Massage therapy can help to ease that pain.

Imagine you held a squat for an hour. Your hips and legs would be hurting for days, right? Well the same happens to your TM joint if you’re regularly clenching the muscles that control it. Those muscles need to rest and recover from that overwork, just like any other muscular injury. Massage specifically applied throughout the jaw, as well as to the neck and head, can greatly reduce the pain in the muscles along with the associated joint pain. When you come in for your next massage session, you can also be shown some self-care techniques to prevent it from recurring.

#4: Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is an often-misunderstood condition, but generally speaking is a disorder causing widespread muscular pain. While many people who suffer from Fibromyalgia may avoid massage because of their fear of touch being painful, a gentle massage can actually be extremely beneficial. Your massage will always be tailored to your tolerance, so if that means the pressure needs to be very light, that’s what will happen. And if it’s a good day for you, and you want a little more pressure, that’s just fine too.

In addition to the widespread muscular pain, those with Fibromyalgia may also struggle with headaches, sleeplessness, and depression; all of which have been shown to improve with massage therapy. A 2014 study¹ concluded that “massage therapy, with a duration of more than 5 weeks, had beneficial immediate effects on improving pain, anxiety, and depression in patients with Fibromyalgia.”

#5: High Blood Pressure

While it’s often assumed that you have to take medications for high blood pressure, massage may be a better option for many people, especially those who are on the threshold (pre-hypertensive). A 2013 study² concluded that massage is a safe and effective treatment for high blood pressure, stating that those in the study who received regular massage showed a significantly lower blood pressure than those in the control group.

Again, massage stimulates that “rest and digest” portion of the nervous system, lowering blood pressure while you’re receiving the massage, and keeping it lower even after you return to your daily activities. Talk with your doctor to see if massage might be a positive addition to your current treatment plan.


¹ Massage therapy for fibromyalgia: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Li YH, Wang FY, Feng CQ, Yang XF, Sun YH https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24586677

² Durability of Effect of Massage Therapy on Blood Pressure.  Mahshid Givi  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3733180/
(info courtesy of My Massage World)

Massage helps reduce high blood pressure

Did you know that one in three adults in America have high blood pressure, or hypertensionWhile the majority of those diagnosed with high blood pressure are 65 years or older, those under 65 are not immuneThere are certain behaviors that increase your risk of developing high blood pressure, including smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, an unhealthy diet, and being overweightWhile blood pressure normally increases in stressful situations, chronic stress seems to be even more of a contributing factor to developing high blood pressure. Depending on the severity of your hypertension, your doctor may suggest lifestyle changes and/or prescribe medication to lower it. Even if you’re prescribed medication, lifestyle changes are still recommended to get the most benefit and get your body in control of your blood pressure instead of solely relying on the medication to do so. 

The obvious first course of action is to take any of those high risk, contributing factors out of the picture. If you smoke, find a plan to help you work on quitting. If you drink excessively, work on decreasing your alcohol intake. Look for ways to increase your exercise habits and aim to eat healthier when possible. While these changes can take time to implement, small steps are better than no steps. If you stress yourself out in the process of making these changes it will defeat the purpose, so get help from your doctor and other medical providers when necessary to make these changes easier for long-term success. 

The next line of defense that you can take is one that many wouldn’t expect. Massage! A study conducted at the Wirral Metropolitan College Department of Medicine in Liverpool, United Kingdom showed a significant decrease in blood pressure following massage. The study also showed a decrease in muscular tension and heart rate as a result of massage therapy. Another study published in the Journal of Body Work and Movement Therapies also asserts that hypertension and its associated symptoms were reduced with massage therapy. The subjects in this study were provided with 10 30-minute massage sessions over the course of five weeks. The subjects, all of whom suffered from hypertension, experienced reduced blood pressure, reduced feelings of depression, less hostile behavior, and reduced levels of cortisol in their urine and salivary samples. They concluded from this study that massage for hypertension may be beneficial to reduce blood pressure and lessen the symptoms associated with high blood pressure.  

Regardless of how you and your doctor are working to treat your high blood pressure, adding regular massage therapy into your routine may be the answer. Before trying any form of treatment, you’ll need to consult with your doctor to take the proper channels to track your progress and ensure your body is handling any changes well. 

¹ Delaney, J.P., Leong, K.S., Watkins, A., and Brodie, D.2002Wirral Metropolitan College Department of Medicine: The effects of myofascial trigger point massage therapy for people with hypertension 

² Hernandez-Reif, M., Field, T., Krasnegor, J., Theakston, H., Hossain, Z., and Burman, I., 2000, Journal of Body Work and Movement Therapies 
(info courtesy of My Massage World)