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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 12th-17th, 2014 is: "Military Families Deserve a Massage!"

May is Military Appreciation Month.

As part of this month, Military Families are recognized for their service on the home-front. As the wife of a WIARNG soldier, I would like to honor my fellow families.

From Monday, May 12th through Saturday, May 17th: Military family members are eligible to receive a FREE massage therapy session.

Family members: Choose a 30-minute or 60-minute table Massage. The session is complimentary, to thank you for your service on the home-front.
This event is open to parents, spouses and children of active duty Military Personnel, National Guard and Veterans of all service branches.
To receive your FREE 30 or 60 minute Massage session, call to reserve your spot: 715-256-1405.
At check-in: You will be asked to show your military dependent I.D. or a picture of you with your military loved-one in uniform.
You can see my board about this event on Pinterest - www.pinterest.com/healthconcepts,
Join this event by liking/following on Facebook - www.facebook.com/healthconceptswaupaca.

Please share this information with deserving families in the Military.
Show your support!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring "BodySense" digital magazine is ready to view!

Stop over to my website and read the latest edition of "BodySense" magazine, provided by ABMP. Inside the magazine, you will find the following articles:
  • Healing Power of Reiki
  • Foot Care for Spring & Summer
  • Skin Care using Scrubs
  • Reflexology
  • and more...
While you are there, feel free to view the archived "BodySense" magazines and the rest of my website. Just click on the link below:


Thank you for choosing to read my blog & visit my website. And a big THANK YOU to Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP) for providing wonderful magazines in paper and in digital formats! ♥

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Top 10 Countdown: Why You Need a Massage!

Kim's TOP 10 List of Why YOU need a Massage or Bodywork Session:

#10. Massage and Reflexology may be one of the oldest forms of medical care. Egyptian tomb paintings show people receiving touch therapy.

#9. There are approximately 5 million touch receptors in our skin. 3,000 in just ONE fingertip!

#8. Massage Therapy is the number one treatment requested in spas.

#7. Massage and Bodywork lovers don't lie...they move from table to table!

#6. Massage and Bodywork therapies RELAX muscle tension; IMPROVE circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids; and AID the body to heal itself NATURALLY...and the benefits go on and on!

#5. Massage is not a luxury, it is necessary to sustain wellbeing: physically, mentally and spiritually.

#4. Bob Hope live to 100 years, reportedly receiving a massage very day to help him relax, unwind and sleep. Do you see a connection?

Bob Hope, Actor & Comedian: 1903-2003

#3. Science does support and report the preventative health benefits of touch, helping to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, pain and stress...to name a few.

#2. Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, often called "the father of medicine," included massage as part of a patient's recovery from illness.

#1. A one-hour Massage or Bodywork session equates to 7-8 hours of sleep for your body!

What's stopping you from making your appointment?
Click here to visit www.SoothingSessionsBodywork.abmp.com for more info!