#10. Massage and Reflexology may be one of the oldest forms of medical care. Egyptian tomb paintings show people receiving touch therapy.
#9. There are approximately 5 million touch receptors in our skin. 3,000 in just ONE fingertip!
#8. Massage Therapy is the number one treatment requested in spas.
#7. Massage and Bodywork lovers don't lie...they move from table to table!
#6. Massage and Bodywork therapies RELAX muscle tension; IMPROVE circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids; and AID the body to heal itself NATURALLY...and the benefits go on and on!
#5. Massage is not a luxury, it is necessary to sustain wellbeing: physically, mentally and spiritually.
#4. Bob Hope live to 100 years, reportedly receiving a massage very day to help him relax, unwind and sleep. Do you see a connection?
Bob Hope, Actor & Comedian: 1903-2003 |
#3. Science does support and report the preventative health benefits of touch, helping to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, pain and stress...to name a few.
#2. Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician, often called "the father of medicine," included massage as part of a patient's recovery from illness.
#1. A one-hour Massage or Bodywork session equates to 7-8 hours of sleep for your body!
What's stopping you from making your appointment?
Click here to visit www.SoothingSessionsBodywork.abmp.com for more info!
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