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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Response to Masks and Vaccines for Covid-19


Hello there!

Since I have re-opened, I have been getting some push-back on requiring mask-wearing at my place of business and also my decision on getting vaccinated. Here is my response:

Masks are required. My business. My health. My rules. 

Science shows that the simple common-sense practices of washing hands, using hand sanitizer, wearing masks and distancing keeps the exposure rates down. 

I have talked with other Massage & Bodywork therapists from other countries around the globe (yes, our planet) as well as my national massage organization. I have read and listened to briefings from the Wisconsin Health Services department, the CDC, the WHO, the NIH and other scientific health organizations. I have looked into what Doctors Beyond Borders and other health charitable organizations use as safety practices when working with populations that have been exposed to diseases like Malaria, Ebola, HIV/AIDS, and respiratory diseases. I have a good handle on things. My improved sanitation/disinfection routine makes my Home Studio a safe place to receive Massage & Bodywork treatments.

I am following the guidelines that were recommended to me and required to re-open safely. I have purchased PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) like gloves, harsh cleaning chemicals, masks, an air filtration machine and a room humidifier, etc. I have also gone and replaced the flooring in my treatment room to make it easier to clean. I am required to clean with disinfectant, then ventilate my space for a MINIMUM of 30 minutes. I am required to space my clients out a MINIMUM of one hour. I am required to see less clients per day to keep possible exposure rates down. I am required to wear a mask. I am required to have clients wear masks.

I have set up my treatment room and client bathroom to work in this pandemic. You will see hand sanitizer in both the treatment room and the client bathroom. There are signs posted on handwashing and using hand sanitizer. There is also a sign asking that when you flush, to put the seat cover down. Why leave it up? It's gross. The water aerosolizes your urine and fecal matter and sprays it OUT of the toilet into the air. And it floats around, landing on surfaces (that need to be wiped down by me) and be breathed in. YUCK. I have a seat cover for a reason. Give me a reason to smile through this pandemic. Use it. Close the lid and flush. Wash your hands. Thank you!

As to vaccinations: My health history back to my childhood has been filled with illness. My family history has it's own host of illness, disease and problems. I thought that after a horrific bout of Chicken pox I would never have to worry about getting Shingles...until I got Shingles. Luckily it was caught early and my case was mild. And afterwards, after talking at length with my internal medicine doctor over several months, I received the Shingles vaccine. Why? Because there is a real possibility I could contract it again. My illness does not mean I am completely immune to this disease due to my underlying health issues. I have received my boosters for other diseases when needed. I take the yearly flu shot. I hate shots. But I hate being sick even more.

Since this pandemic, I have been exposed to the Covid-19 virus at least two times; once even getting sick because I did not require mask-wearing at the time of exposure in the Home Studio. The second time was over my Christmas vacation and luckily I and my husband did not get sick. I was grateful I was closed for six weeks, as I could quarantine without cancelling appointments

I feel a deep responsibility towards you as my client. You trust me to help you with your pain and stress issues. I take your health seriously, even if you take yours for granted. I cannot call myself a true Massage & Bodywork therapist if I ignore sound practices and recommendations from the health organizations and the scientific community.

What it breaks down to is this: I'm getting the vaccination when it is available to me and my husband. That's it. No more debate. No more shaming for my personal choices. Whatever health choices you make are yours. I do me. You do you.

I'm with you on this: Covid-19 SUCKS. It mutates quickly. The scientific community learns new things about this nasty virus on a daily basis. In military terms, we are living in "a fluid situation." Which means it is constantly changing. The only way we can beat this virus is to continue doing the safe practices of hand washing, hand sanitizing, cleaning & disinfecting, ventilation, physically distancing and getting as many of the population vaccinated as soon as possible. The more we do this, the less chance each mutation will grow to overwhelm our immune system. It will get weaker and weaker until it (hopefully) dies out.

Many of my clients have elected to not come in during the Pandemic. That is okay. I understand where they are coming from. I will be here when they are ready. I also have relaxed my cancellation policy to allow for same-day cancellations/re-scheduling if you are feeling sick. No more "powering through" just so you don't miss your session. And if you think I'm being brainwashed? Well, that's your opinion. And it may be that I am not be the therapist for you. 

We will get through this through patience and faith. I am continuing to send prayers to our medical and scientific communities to keep us safe and healthy. And prayers to those afflicted and have been touched by this virus.

I appreciate every one of you who support my small business and have put up with me. You have helped me get through some dark periods of my life and kept my spirits up during this pandemic. Stay safe, stay healthy, and I will see you soon at my Home Studio!


- Kim

Thursday, February 4, 2021


Laughter Can Be The Best Medicine

 Research scientists have spent considerable time investigating the effects of laughter. They have found that laughter can help patients recover from illnesses because it tends to lower blood pressure, reduces stress hormone levels, and recharges the body’s immune system. Laughter is also known to release the body’s natural pain-killing substances to provide an overall feeling of well-being. This is a result of stimulating blood flow and aiding the heart.

 It has been said that laughter has about the same benefits as aerobic exercise, but it comes without the pain sometimes experienced with physical activity. Laughter also helps to control insulin levels and blood sugar levels, and while scientists don’t recommend that patients quit their diets or exercise regimens, they do say that laughing definitely helps. Doctors have discovered that laughter also has an effect on viruses, bacteria, cancer, and heart disease. They determined that their patients boosted their immune systems just by watching funny videos and movies.

 Laughter is one of the first things we learn as babies. Scientists note that babies who smile the quickest were smiled at more in general. If parents are happy and smiling, it is a given that the baby is likely to smile quickly as well. Much research on children has been performed, and scientists discovered that laughter helped with children’s ability to endure pain and was also effective in the healing process. This is a valuable discovery for young cancer patients; laughing, relaxed patients who had to have painful procedures or who suffered from the anxiety of pain expectation.

 Researchers have found that there are many positive effects from laughter, but no known negative effects. Laughter really is the best medicine. Just thinking about something funny makes the hormones flow and the body has a positive and healthy response.

Experiencing stress without laughter reduces the ability of the body to fight disease because it suppresses the immune system. A stressed body can’t fight infections and other disorders. Your body responds to emotions and feelings, so it’s good to laugh and release all the positive effects related to laughter. Basically, the immune system is closely linked to the positives resulting from laughter. Laughing helps to fight disease.

 Stress levels can be reduced through daily exercise and having good eating habits, and when laughter is added, things get even better. People who laugh a lot have reduced stress levels, and reducing stress is a major step in fighting disease.


New Year’s resolutions. You promise yourself you’ll quit smoking, lose ten pounds, take that vacation or buy that dream car. Did you know that 93.5% of New Year’s resolutions are never followed through on? Okay, I made up that statistic, but it’s believable, isn’t it? Time for some new ideas.

New Ideas For New Year’s Resolutions

How about a resolution to do the things which make all your goals more achievable? You can’t make a lot of money if you don’t have the habits that lead to that. You can’t have better physical conditioning if you just start another exercise program and then quit. You have to change your mind before the rest will change. Here are some new ideas for that interior self improvement.

Kaizen For The New Year

Kaizen: “Japanese for continuous and incremental improvement, a business philosophy about working practices and efficiency.” What does this have to do with self improvement and new years resolutions?

First came the “continuous improvement” theories of efficiency expert W. Edwards Deming in the 30s and 40s. After the war his ideas were picked up by the Japanese and developed into “Kaizen,” a method for efficiently creating quality products through small and continuous changes. Guess what? This is perfect for accomplishing your personal goals, too.

Want to quit smoking? The kaizen way might be to stop smoking in your car, as the first small step. Then you could switch to a brand with less nicotine, stop smoking in the house, and so on.

Kaizen uses “small questions.” In factories this meant no more questions like “What are you going to do to improve the company profits this year?” That elicits fear more than creative ideas. A better question is, “What small change could we make in your department to reduce expenses or improve quality?” This approach was found to be far more productive.

For purposes of improving your life, this means asking small suggestive questions, like, “What could I do to free up five minutes for my meditation practice?” or “What small change could I make if I wanted to improve my relationships today?” Small questions dispel the fear, intimidation, and procrastination that come with facing the issue head-on.

Small questions, small comfortable changes, and continual progress – that’s kaizen. Imagine where you’d be if you had consciously made one small change in your life each week for the last few years. Better yet, imagine where you’ll be next year, if you start the process today.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” – Lao Tzu

Forget The Affirmations

Stand in front of that mirror if you want, repeating to yourself “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.” If it doesn’t do what you hope, though, here’s a new idea (okay, an old idea renewed): Evidence is more convincing than affirmation. To that I add: What you look for, you find, and it changes your mind.

Prove this to yourself by watching for nice people for a few days, making a mental note each time you see one. It will change your experience of people in a positive way. Then, to test the idea further, watch for rude people for a few days, and you’ll see them all over. Do this exercise, and you’ll quickly come to understand that you experience the world not just according to what is there, but even more according to what you pay attention to.

To use this to motivate yourself towards positive change, find your successes. If your New Year’s resolution is to exercise more, notice when you remember to park farther away from the store so you have to walk. Write it down even. Point out your successes to yourself, and you’ll start to have more of them. If you want to lose weight, note everytime you walk past the refrigerator without opening it. Focus on and remember any success. You can start doing this right now.

First things first. Resolve to change the habits in your mind. Isn’t that better than the typical New Year’s resolutions?